Physique Rating woman on phone

Physique Rating: Know who you are!

The road to fitness is a long and tiring road. The age-old motto and the trend of 70’s and 80’s that promoted being thin and skinny as healthy has largely been replaced. Now, strong is the new healthy and people are more aware about their well-being instead of gauging their health by only looking at the mirror. With the emergence of super-strong female athletes like Aly Raisman, Serena Williams and Simon Biles, this ‘Strong is the new healthy’ trend has found a major female following, in addition to the male following it always had.

So how do you gauge your fitness level and how do you know that you are fit enough? Here, we are going to discuss physique rating and how you can use it determine your fitness levels!

What is Physique Rating?

If you are new to the fitness world then physique rating is something that you need to get knowledgeable about! As we mentioned earlier, just looking at yourself in the mirror or weighing yourself regularly can’t determine your fitness levels. You may be within your recommended weight range and still be unfit. Similarly, you may be over-weight but fitter than your counter-parts who weigh less than you!

It all seems confusing but it is not! Physique rating assesses your body fat and muscle composition and rates the results as one of nine body types. If you have been working out on a regular basis, it gives a good insight in your body fat and muscle mass composition. This lets you alter your workouts and your diet according to your needs.

How it Works!

You can determine your accurate body fat-muscle composition by using various scales that utilize bioelectrical impedance analysis technology. This gives a true picture about your body fat percentage, body fat mass, visceral fat, muscle mass and even total body water, along with the predicted weight of bone mineral in your body.

Body Types According to Physique Ratings!

According to physique ratings, there are 9 body types based on the body’s fat and muscle composition. Let’s take a look at these body types and find out where we stand!

Rating 1: Hidden Obese

As the name indicates, a person who is a hidden obese looks average from the outside but has higher fat levels, as compared to muscle mass. This can eventually lead to full-blown obesity, if it not regularly monitored. Keeping to a healthy diet and exercise regime can definitely lower your risk.

Rating 2: Obesity

Obesity means that you have higher than normal levels of body fat, with a standard level of muscle mass. Higher levels of body fat put you at risk for a number of cardiovascular diseases along with diabetes!

Rating 3: Solid Built

If you have a physique rating of 3, rest assured! You may look bigger on the outside but you have a solid musculature underneath. You may have a high body fat percentage but you also have a high muscle mass level.

Rating 4: Under-exercised

An under-exercised individual literally needs to pull his/her weight at the gym! A lower muscle mass level and an average amount of body fat level make up an under-exercised individual!

Rating 5: Standard

People with a physique rating of 5 can achieve a lot when they start working out on a regular basis. These individuals have average levels of muscle mass and body fat, which is just about right!

Rating 6: Standard Muscular

Now this is one rating that you can be really proud of! Most of the athletes boast of this rating. An individual with this rating has an average body fat percentage with higher muscle mass levels.

Rating 7: Thin

While this rating may appeal to many of us, it is, in fact, not a very healthy rating! Being too thin has its fair shares of problems just like being obese has its share of problems. Low body fat and low muscle mass levels make up this rating.

Rating 8: Thin and Muscular

This is a rating for bikini-lovers and beach-goers! These individuals have standard muscle mass levels with lower amounts of body fat!

Rating 9: Very Muscular

These individuals are the bodybuilders! They have higher levels of muscle mass with a low amount of body fat!

Using a Scale with Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Technology Can Help Chart Your Fitness Progress. So Hop On to the Fitness Bandwagon and Get to Know the Real You!

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