When people hear there’s a wedding coming up, their first thought is usually this: open bar. For some, weddings are an excuse to drink all day or night long. However, some couples feel strongly about having a dry wedding, even if some of their guests will be disappointed. Here are a few reasons why you may want to rethink serving alcohol at your wedding.
1. You want to limit your budget.
Having an open bar costs a lot, especially if you want the premium package. Even serving just wine and beer can get costly. When you serve alcohol at your wedding, you have to pay per person, even if some of those people don’t have a drink. While you can have a cash bar, it’s a simpler choice to just have a dry wedding – a reception is only four hours, after all.
2. You’re having a daytime wedding.
If you’re having a morning or afternoon wedding, guests won’t feel as strong a need to drink as at a nighttime wedding. Some guests may not even think you’re going to serve alcohol at all. Most people aren’t looking to get drunk early in the day, so having a daytime wedding is a good excuse to keep it dry.
3. You want to avoid being liable.
There are some cases where a person can leave your wedding after drinking too much and get into an accident, causing you to be liable. You can purchase wedding liability insurance to combat this, but that means another cost on top of the cost of an open bar. An alternative ¬– one that will protect yourself and your guests – is to not serve alcohol at all. (Pregabalin)
4. There are a lot of under age guests.
If there are a lot of kids or young people at your wedding, you may want to keep them safe by not serving alcohol to the adults. Those children may be depending on safe rides home, and if their parents or caregivers have one drink too many, everyone is at risk. Also, serving alcohol at a wedding with underage kids increases the chance of those kids sneaking drinks when they’re not supposed to.
5. You or one of your VIP guests is an addict.
If you, your spouse or one of your close family members is an addict, it may be safest to skip having alcohol at your wedding. Wedding days can be stressful, and even the most devoted recovering alcohol may feel the urge to have just one drink. If you can avoid temptation, why not make it easier on that person by simply keeping alcohol away from your wedding? A few hours of your guests not being able to drink is a lot better than someone you love falling off the wagon.
If you or your loved one is struggling with alcohol addiction, consider attending a treatment program. You can get your life back on track with the help of experienced professionals.
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