Most common wedding vows from different cultures

Most common wedding vows from different cultures

A wedding is one of the most celebrated traditions around the world. No matter which part of the world began, know that marriage has an important role to play. Although a wedding is celebrated all around the world, every culture has its way to portray it. Since it is one special day, everyone has their way to express it.

The influence of the western and eastern cultures hasn’t found their way into each other, but these cross-cultural rituals are something surely to look up to. Despite so many differences, some of the wedding rituals remain the same in all parts of the world. Apart from the vows, several ceremonies remain common as well.

But before proceeding with the vows, have a look at some of the most prominent customs and traditions around the world.

Indian traditions aren’t a matter of a few days

When it comes to Indian weddings, it is surrounded by several rituals and ceremonies and these aren’t a matter of one day but more than that of seven days. The ceremony kicks off with engagement and then proceeds with various rituals such as Haldi, Sangeet and more. The final is that of marriage or Shaadi where the bride and groom exchange garlands, referred to as the VarMala Ceremony.

Japanese Brides need to show their physical devotion

Japanese Brides are required to wear Shinto Shrine painted white from head to toe, as it depicts the purity. She is also required to wear a white headpiece to prevent her horns of jealousy towards her mother-in-law from being exposed. It is only the women who have to follow the obnoxious customs, but men aren’t required to do anything and symbolizing patriarchy.

Islamic ceremonies are simple

Islamic marriage ceremonies or nikkah are usually a simple marriage ritual. Like Hindus, Muslims also celebrate the multi-day marriage celebration. But, the groom and bride are separated from each other and allowed to see each other only in case of allowance from families.

Chinese Brides are guarded against their future to-be husbands

In traditional Chinese weddings, the groom’s family needs to approach the bride’s family to win the approval of the marriage. Once the marriage is finalized, the prospective bride is carried to the groom’s house in a covered sedan chair. The bride and groom are prevented from consulting with each other.

Importance of wedding vows

Wedding vows are the most important part of a wedding. Wedding vows acts as promised and commitment of the couple towards each other. There are several reasons why wedding vows are important. The wedding vows are a verbal legal agreement of the couple to join their lives and sharing it. These wedding vows are required by the law and are entirely legal. However, there are certain scenarios where the couple can prefer adding wedding vows of their own, known as the custom wedding vows.

The vows are aimed at attaining life-lasting results and acts as a promise to the life they want to give each other. Many couples these days are turning towards the custom wedding vows for their satisfaction. They include certain fun and serious points which they think are relevant. If you want, you can even makeup and include the wedding vows of your own.

It is the wedding vows that add up to the meaning of a wedding. Well, a lot of people consider these vows to be more important than that of the suits, cake, dress, catering, photography and more.

Common wedding vows

These different cultures are bound together to each other with similar wedding vows. No matter which part of the world you visit, you will come across a lot of places that share the same vows which may be different in language but have the same meaning. Some of the most common vows include the following

  1. Stay together for life

In most of the cases, the marriage vow of staying together happens to be the first one. As per Hindu tradition, one soul undergoes seven births. It is believed that the couple who get bound by marriage get married to each other for the upcoming seven births as well. A similar kind of belief is there in other customs as well that the bride and groom happen to stay with each other in their upcoming lives as well.

  1. Be there for each other in times of hardships

There isn’t one human who has been spared by the times of hardships. But, it is said that once you have someone by your side, you will be able to handle the pain and hardship with complete ease. Therefore, mostly the groom and bride promise to support each other in times of hardship. Thus, they promise that they will be there and make it easier for each other to tackle and overcome the problem easily.

  1. Take care of each other

When you have a partner you expect them to be there for you always and take care of you. Once you are bound in the bond of marriage you expect the best from your partner. Thus, the expectation of taking care is the most common one. The act of taking care of each other is one of the most common wedding vows. Both the groom and bride are required to swear by this oath for a successful wedding.

  1. Taking care of families

Many wouldn’t believe but this is one of those wedding vows which is very much prominent in the South Asian countries. The bride and groom decide not only to take care of themselves but of their families as well. This wedding tradition has been followed for long and is one of the most prominent ones in the South Asian countries.

Whatever custom you are following to get married, the Gods have an important role to play for they are considered as the witnesses. God is regarded as the supreme energy for making the marriage successful.

These wedding vows are a beautiful part of the wedding vouching of love and belief. With changing times, custom vows have become a thing. So, you can either try to go for the legal vows or can even try the custom vows as per your wishes.