4 Tips to Ensure Her Engagement Ring is Unique

4 Tips to Ensure Her Engagement Ring is Unique

Image Source: Pixabay

If you are planning to pop the question any time soon, you will already be thinking about the ring and your choice of engagement ring is critical. Many men want to demonstrate their love by having the engagement ring created especially for their fiancée, thus ensuring that the ring is unique and if you want to be sure that the ring you slip on her finger is the only one of its kind, here are a few ways this can be achieved.

     1. Have the Ring Designed By a Jeweller – The ultimate symbol of a man’s undying love is to commission the engagement ring. Most men automatically assume this will cost a fortune, yet in reality, a customised ring can be around the same price as one that already exists. If you would like to talk to the experts, check out the jeweller Diamonds in New Zealand who can create a diamond engagement ring to your very own specifications. Of course, you might like to have your partner assist you in the design process, which is a sure-fire way of guaranteeing she will love the ring.

4 Tips to Ensure Her Engagement Ring is Unique

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     2. Buy an Antique Diamond Engagement Ring – If a ring is more than 100 years old, you can be sure that there is only one in existence and the online jeweller would have an extensive catalogue of antique and vintage diamond engagement rings in a range of designs. Most women love antiquities, especially diamond rings, and with a firm idea of her taste in jewellery, you can buy with confidence that there is only one antique diamond engagement ring, the one you are looking at.

     3. Have an Existing Ring Customised – This is a popular solution for the woman who wants to be unique and even a slight alteration will render the item a one-of-a-kind ring. There are many ways that a ring can be customised and by talking to a reputable jeweller, you can find out the scope of alterations available. If you are not sure how you will propose, there are articles you can find online.

4 Tips to Ensure Her Engagement Ring is Unique

                                                                  Image Source: Pixabay

     4. Have a Small Inscription Engraved – If you were to have her initials inscribed on the inner sleeve of the band, this would instantly make it a unique item, and what’s more it is personalised, you can have fancy intense coloured piece. Even the slightest alteration will mean that there is not another ring that is identical, so you can honestly tell her that there isn’t another ring like this anywhere in the world.

Whatever ring design you settle on, make sure you buy from a reputable online jeweller and if you want the ring customised, find a jeweller who is experienced at creating fine jewellery items and with their help, your proposal will be accompanied by a stunning diamond ring that is also unique. If you would like to discuss this with a professional jewellery designer, all it takes is a simple online search and you can begin the process of creating a special symbol of your eternal love.