Should we marry Young?
Planning, Wedding

Should we marry Young?

Marriage is the most important phase and the decision of our life. It defines the person who agrees to stand by your side for their whole life in any given situation. But how will you know that it is the right time to get married? This question has multiple answers for multiple individuals. Some give more priority to building a new relationship as soon as they are ready and some give more priority to their career and life, keeping marriage to the later part of their lives. There is no wrong and right as to when you should take the big leap, it’s a personal choice. However, there are some benefits are getting married at a younger age.

Why you should marry young?

People often think that getting married will affect their freedom and their way of living which is one of the important reasons why people tend to delay getting married. This fact is true but not completely. Getting married does not take away your independence, it’s just that your priority changes from “Me” to “Us”.

In the last two decades, we have also noticed that the average age of getting married has increased as well. Earlier individuals used to get married between the age of 20-24 however, in the last few years, this has increased to 26-30. So, what is the reason behind it? The main reason was the shift of focus from life and relation to building career and education. With the average age increasing for getting married, we have also observed many problems occurring in the life of married people.

Getting married at a later part of your life gives you less time to understand as each other as you are already focused more on your career. At the same time, your peers pressurize you to have a baby at the right time. Lack of bond and communication between the two, pressure from peers and race of earning more creates more pressure on the relationship. This is the primary reason why we see more divorce cases now than ever before.

Benefits of marrying young

Being married at a younger age is not a cup of tea for everyone, however, it has its benefits:

You help each other grow to a better version of yourself

When you get married at a younger age, you are still finding yourself, growing in your career. The best part of this is that when your partner reaches to point in his or her career when he has a lot, you will know the amount of struggle and efforts he has or she has put in to reach this stage. This brings out more respect and love for your partner that helps to create a stronger bond between the two. At a younger age, you have a lot of things to plan, the career being the most important. This gives you time to plan it together, support & standby each other and see how it will help your lives in the coming future. If it does not work out, you would still have the time to pursue something different. You will never experience these things when you marry later.

“Love is important to married life, but it will never work out if you don’t respect each other”

Less baggage to carry from the past

When you decide to focus on other things and marry at a later time, let’s say around 30, you do come across multiple relationships in your life. It can be your friend, your college girlfriend, someone you met at a coffee shop or a dating site. When you have gone through a couple of relationships you before getting married, you start having certain expectations from your current relationship based on the experience of the past relationships you had.

Some experiences can be bitter, some excellent. However, if you have spent more time in such relationships you do get to face trust issues, breakups, and disappointment. Getting married at a younger age means that you have less of such experiences from the past that you will carry along after getting married. Both of you do not have to compare your relationship with anything you had earlier. You can start with a fresh page and less emotional memories from the past.

Creating more memories

If you get married at a young age, you will not be pressurized for having a baby early due to the physical constraint. Use this time to create beautiful memories between both of you that you will cherish all your life. Go out, travel to unknown places, explore things together, have a candlelight dinner, get each other romantic gifts. You are still very young and can do so many things that your partner happy. We all get busy in our lives along the way, so use this time to make the most out of it. Make sure, when you look in the past, you have a lot of beautiful memories made together, to look at and smile.

“Make sure, when you look in the past, you have a lot of beautiful memories made together, to look at and smile.”

Keeps you grounded & makes you stronger mentally

Being married at a younger age makes you realize that you are now committed to a person for the rest of your life and you will share everything. You will always know that there will be someone who will be standing by you all the time no matter what. It will help both mentally to grow maturely and together at the same time by understanding each other and rectifying each other’s flaw.

There are multiple challenges that you have to face at this age creating a lot of pressure, having a partner stand by you will not make those things vanish but the ride will be much smoother as you will have someone to share your feelings with and someone who will make you feel relaxed.

Final thoughts

Marrying at a young age is a choice that one has to make on his own. However, if you had to take my word, then you will have all the time in the word to earn and complete your materialistic desires, which is a never-ending process. But one thing that can make you realize that you are not missing on living your life is your partner. Getting married at a younger age will provide the support that will stand by you for the rest of your life and will help you with achieving anything you ever wanted.