Benefits of Aromatherapy
Beauty, Fragrance

Benefits of Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is also known as Essential oil therapy. It is a traditional or alternative therapy that uses aromatic plant compounds or essential oils. Such oils have been used for years together and aim at improving our mood and health. Essential oils have antimicrobial activity. They are also believed to have antifungal, antioxidant, and antiviral properties.

How Is Aromatherapy Used?

Aromatherapy is generally used in the form of a topical application or inhalation –


A spray or diffuser is used to evaporate oils in the air or is breathed in. These oils can provide a pleasant smell. These can also help with decongestion, psychological benefits, or respiratory disinfection. Inhalation affects the limbic system, blood pressure, heart rate, stress, hormonal balance, and memory. The effects of Aromatherapy may be subtle, but they do have a holistic impact on the whole body.

Topical Application 

Topical applications are skincare products or massage oils absorbed by the skin. When you massage a particular area with essential oils, it can increase absorption and boost circulation. Please keep in mind that to dilute essential oils, carrier oils always used. The average proportion that is used is an ounce of any carrier oil, and just a few drops of essential oil would do. Olive and almond oil are the most commonly used carrier oils.

Benefits of Aromatherapy 

Aromatherapy is a complementary therapy. It cannot provide a cure but works as a supportive therapy/treatment. It has been seen that Aromatherapy can reduce the following conditions.

  • Muscular pains and aches
  • Nausea
  • Insomnia and fatigue
  • Stress, depression, agitation, and anxiety
  • Headaches
  • Menstrual aches and problems
  • Circulatory disorders
  • Hair loss or Alopecia
  • Menopausal problems
  • Some kinds of psoriasis might get relief too.
  • Peppermint oil can help with digestive ailments
  • Clove oil will help you eliminate mouth sores and toothache.

(Make sure not to swallow clove oil and peppermint oil)

Benefits of various essential oils

Different kinds of essential oils have various benefits. Let’s have a more detailed look –

  • Rosemary Oil

This oil will help with the circulatory and nervous system. It also promotes memory, hair growth, and prevents muscle spasms. Those of you who suffer from high blood pressure should avoid Rosemary oil.

  • Bergamot

Bergamot essential oil is helpful with digestive and urinary tract ailments. If you add eucalyptus oil, it is said to help with skin ailments. It can also help with skin problems related to chickenpox and stress.

  • Basil

Basil essential oil help with concentration. It can also help with depression symptoms. This oil is well known for helping those that suffer from migraines and headaches. However, pregnant women must avoid it.

  • Chamomile

We all know the benefits of chamomile tea. It can be so relaxing and de-stressing. Chamomile essential oil is also known to have similar interests. It also can help with eczema.

  • Black Pepper

Black pepper essential oil is helpful in the stimulation of circulation. It also helps with bruises and muscular pains. If the ginger essential oil is added, it can also help with enhanced flexibility and reduction of arthritis pain.

  • Clove

Clove oil is quite a must in most households. It is a painkiller and is mostly used for toothaches. It can also help with the prevention of nausea, vomiting, and gas. It has antifungal, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties.

  • Citronella

Citronella is mostly used in the form of an insect repellant.

  • Geranium

For several skin ailments and in reducing the stress, you can use this essential oil. It also works as a mosquito repellant.

  • Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus essential oil is also another necessary in most households. It is well known to help with flu or cold symptoms. It is generally combined with peppermint oil. This being said, some can be allergic to this oil. Hence one should be very careful with eucalyptus oil.

  • Lavender

As we all know, Lavender essential oil has a lovely smell. It induces sleep and brings in relaxation. This oil is also used to relieve migraine and headache symptoms. For minor burns and cuts too, you can use lavender in the form of an antiseptic.

  • Jasmine

Jasmine essential oil is an aphrodisiac. However, there isn’t much scientific evidence to back this claim. Research indeed shows that the aroma of jasmine has a hand in increasing beta waves. It also acts as a stimulant.

  • Sandalwood

Sandalwood essential oil is also said to be an aphrodisiac.

  • Lemon

Lemon essential oil is good for relieving depression and stress symptoms. It also helps in alleviating the mood.

  • Tea tree

Tea tree essential oils are antiseptic, disinfectant, and antimicrobial. It is mostly used in skincare products and shampoos. In the treatment of bites, burns as well as acne, you can use tea tree. Tea tree oil also is found in mouth rinses. But one should be careful not to swallow it. Else it could be toxic.

  • Yarrow

For the reduction of inflamed joints, you can use Yarrow oil. It can also help with cold and flu symptoms.

  • Thyme

Thyme essential oil will help with stress, nervousness, and reduction of fatigue.

One should keep in mind that essential oils though natural, are chemicals too. So, if not misused, they can prove to be hazardous. Each kind of essential oil has chemical makeup. Hence it is suggested that you take the advice or help of a trained professional. An expert would be able to teach you and recommend the usage of each product.

If you are allergic to certain things, you need to be careful. Those who have nut allergies need to be extra cautious. This is because most carrier oils are made from nuts or seeds. You will be given proper application and dilution instructions. Also, one needs to know if a product is genuine or synthetic. If you use pure essential oils in the right manner, you would surely gain the benefits.