Complaints E-commerce Managers

The Most Common Complaints About The E-commerce Managers and Why They are Bunk

The Most Common Complaints About The E-commerce Managers and Why They are Bunk. It’s not very unusual to get complaints from clients while you have the responsibility of an e-commerce business. While your product or service fails to meet the customer’s expectations, they would likely complain about it. Sometimes, these complaints are legit, but sometimes they are bunk. An e-commerce manager has to oversee all the sections of the company. That’s why he needs to take some steps or make some changes to serve both clients and the company’s best interest. But from outside, you might think that the e-commerce manager is doing wrong. 

Today, we are going to discuss the most common complaints about the e-commerce managers that are actually bunk. We will also include the possible explanations for which the manager had to take the measurements that brought him the charges. We hope they will help you understand the common reasons for e-commerce managers taking controversial steps, whether you are a client or owner.

Six most common complaints an e-commerce manager faces that are bunk

Customer Complaints: 

  1. No discounts on certain products

There are a lot of people who expect that buying products online will be cheaper than the traditional shop. Because e-commerce business is free of some extra costs that conventional business has, like- shop rent, employee, store management cost, etc. Well, that’s true. But that doesn’t mean every product on e-commerce would be cheaper. There are many operational costs in an e-commerce business, especially when the company is on some project or a strategy. If someone complains that e-commerce businesses should sell their product at a lower price than regular shops and are not, it wouldn’t be that legit.   

  1. Asks for verification nonsense

Some consumers often complain that the verification process before buying a product annoys them. They don’t like giving up their personal info though they will be held securely. But, you see, this is necessary. Because, on the internet, we can’t see each other. So, we can’t detect who is a fraud or who is a genuine buyer. If an e-commerce business doesn’t keep a verification system, anyone can order with a fake number. And for the cash on delivery products, fake orders can cause huge revenue loss for the company. That’s why e-commerce managers are bound to verify every user who orders. Complaining about it would not be very good. 

  1. Sends annoying emails

Clients have been noticed complaining that they keep getting product updates and newsletters from an e-commerce shop once they buy something from it. They accuse the e-commerce manager of spamming. But in most cases, it is actually the client’s fault. How? E-commerce businesses can have newsletter features; it’s normal. But almost no e-commerce business will send their clients newsletter if the clients don’t agree to receive it. 

While clients order for a product online, they often mark the box, without noticing, that says to receive a newsletter. This can’t be the e-commerce manager’s fault. Well, some online shops trick clients into permitting receiving the newsletter. But most e-commerce managers don’t do that. So, such a complaint is actually bunk. 

Authority Complaints: 

  1. Unable to give any ROI in a while

Business sponsors often express disappointment to the e-commerce manager while the manager can’t get anticipated Return on Investment (ROI) for a while. This is another common complaint about e-commerce managers. Higher authorities often doubt e-commerce managers’ capability when they see the minor effects of their strategy. 

But in reality, e-commerce strategies sometimes take time to return. Especially the better strategies. The higher management and sponsor should wait before they put a complaint. Because, Most of the time, it is worth waiting. 

  1. Spends a significant amount on design and no AI chatbots

E-commerce managers also face complaints about their invest amount on design and content. Sometimes the authority thinks that the manager should invest less in design and image contents. But the truth is, images and design are the main attraction for customers. Buyers see the product photo to make their choice. That’s why product photo production and image editing especially product background removal or clipping path and product web image optimization play crucial roles in e-commerce business. And it’s always a good strategy to let professionals handle them. So, e-commerce managers invest a decent amount in hiring experts to edit images. For reference, e-commerce managers can find one of the best photo editing services here.

Also, in a few cases, sponsors don’t like investing in live chatting staff, while AI chatbots can do the job. This isn’t totally true.  Customer service always should get a good priority and live chat support is a wonderful thing to do. AI chatbots can do some basic stuff, but they aren’t yet that smart to beat live chat. 

  1. Odd strategy

Higher authority and sponsors frequently check how the e-commerce manager runs everything. Sometimes, when they see that the e-commerce manager follows a different strategy than the others, some become skeptical. Well, they are not to blame because they are putting their money on it. But still, they should listen to the e-commerce manager’s explanation and trust him for a while, even if it causes loss. Experiments are necessary; it helps improve. 


There will be some situations when these complaints won’t be bunk. And also, not every authority or sponsor makes complaints without understanding. We just discussed the common cases and common possibilities. As the e-commerce manager is responsible for several things, it isn’t abnormal to come up with a situation to get complaints. But now, you know some possible reasons for such cases.