Electric Fireplace: Safety Guidelines

Using An Electric Fireplace: Safety Guidelines You Must Follow

Using An Electric Fireplace: Safety Guidelines You Must Follow. Conforming to using an electric fireplace is amazing as not only does it help you to have a warm home but it also helps you to save on the energy bills. Also, as the risk of fire accidents minimizes significantly, it helps you to stay more relaxed and use it without much worry. That being said, however, there are a few things that you should always consider when you have an electric fireplace running around in the house.

Keep Everything Away
Even though there is an increased safety that nothing will get directly gutted over as there is no real fire, still it is better to keep everything away. Common things that are found lying around casually like pillows, blankets, electronics, and toys should be kept clear of the electric furnace vicinity. For an additional safety, it is better to keep at least a minimum of 3 feet distance. Also, resist the urge to place anything pretty heavy above it to avoid any untoward accidents.

The Right Plugging
It is very important to plug your electric fireside into the standard home outlet for maximum safety. The third hole will help the ground wire be held more securely. If you ever search for “can you plug an electric fireplace into a surge protector”, you would know that it is never a good idea to do so. Surge protectors or extension cords are meant for gadgets that have lower consumption of electricity and thus are more suitable for them. However, in the case of an electric furnace, you should always keep it plugged to a 120 volt outlet. You can also check in with your local provider like Gexa to see your energy consumption and figure out if you’re using the wrong energy chords for your appliances.

No Touching
No matter how beautiful the realistic-looking flames may appear, you should completely avoid touching the surfaces of your electric hearth. The reason is that while functioning, it may get hot beyond what you may have thought in your mind. Carelessness can result in a serious burn injury and a trip to the ER.

Not Leaving Unattended Children/Pets
Irrespective of how busy you may be, you should never leave any children or pets around an electrical fireplace without supervision. While being in play, they may not realize it and any negligence can result in accidents.

Stay Away from DIY Modifications
We completely understand that it does not take a very long while to get inspired from looking at a certain picture on social media. If you have had the idea to go the DIY route to give your electric fire area a makeover then we would like to advise you to wait. Every system is different and their installation may have had some intricacies that your professional may not have told you about. Hence, it is better to consult your electric fireplace company first and have a detailed chat about the modifications you want, to avoid any mishaps later. Also, having the owner’s manual alongside will help you to get a clearer understanding of your modern hearth.

The Last Word
Having an electric hearth in the house is wonderful as it helps you to stay snug in the harshest winters. But it is also important that it is used in its safest form. Thus, we hope that this article guides you to use yours in the most secure way possible.