
Top 4 Common Diseases in Dogs and Their Preventive Measures

Being a dog owner, nothing can be more disheartening than seeing your furry friend suffering from any kind of disease. Even if you have owned a dog recently, you will develop a strong bond in a short period of time that you feel pain seeing them in the painful condition. But the saying “every problem has a solution” stays true even in the case of the animals. 

The life expectancy of a dog today is approximately 13 years. And there are nearly 78 million pets in the United States. That’s a huge number. With all those dogs out there, it’s no wonder that there would be many common diseases in dogs. Luckily, most of these conditions can be prevented and managed with proper care.

While issues like allergies and itching can be treated with Apoquel for dogs, there are some conditions that need serious attention. Apoquel is an important medicine for dogs that targets allergic itching at its root cause. Moreover, it can also be administered to relieve inflammation in dogs. 

So, what are the most common diseases that affect our canine friends?

Heartworm Disease

This disease is a parasitic infection caused by heartworm. This disease can be spread from dog to dog, but it’s usually transmitted by mosquitoes. While some cases of heartworm disease can be managed with proper care and prevention, others can be proved fatal if left without treatment.

For you and your furry friend, there do exist various ways you can prevent and detect this parasite before it becomes unmanageable.

  • Vaccinations can help safeguard your dog against heartworm disease.
  • Parasite control products can be of great help in preventing the infestation of worms in your pet’s body.
  • Make sure your dog undergoes heartworm testing every six months to ensure that worms haven’t developed in your pet’s body despite preventive measures.


Your dog can lose its teeth if he suffers from this serious gum disease. The disease-causing bacteria can also lead to heart and kidney problems, so you must catch the disease in its early stages and get it treated. If you think your dog has periodontitis, taking him to the vet for an examination would be the best way forward.

Here are some essential tips for managing this common disease:

  • By understanding the causes of periodontitis, you can help prevent it from happening in the first place. There are three major causes: plaque buildup on teeth, missing or malformed teeth, and bacteria in saliva that builds up around the gum line when a tooth is deformed or missing. Regularly visiting the vet can help you eliminate these issues, eventually lowering the likelihood of the disease.
  • Once your veterinarian confirms gingivitis (also known as inflamed gums) in your dog, they will likely suggest eliminating plaque-forming foods like sugary treats or chewy toys from the dog’s diet. They could also recommend antibiotics if required before prescribing oral surgery procedures such as scaling & polishing.


Diabetes is a common disease in dogs, and it’s more common than cancer. But it’s quite manageable if caught early on.

What exactly causes diabetes? An unstable balance between insulin (a hormone produced by the pancreas) and glucose (sugar) in your dog’s body leads to this disease. Insulin helps your dog to use glucose for energy or store it for later use.

Excessive or too little insulin can lead to improper regulation of their blood sugar level or metabolizing fat and amino acids for energy production. This can result in serious health issues over the years like blindness, kidney failure, and even death.

A well-balanced diet and regular exercise can go a long way in managing this disease. Moreover, don’t forget to administer shots of insulin as per your vet’s instructions. Most importantly, monitor the frequency of these things so that changes may be made before they become unmanageable. 

Joint Problems/Arthritis

Dogs often face joint problems which can be caused by many factors, including:

  • Age – As your dog ages, its joints start to weaken and become less flexible over time. Due to this, your dog could feel pain or stiffness when they move around.
  • Genetics – Some breeds of dogs are more prone than others to suffer from joint issues as they age, like German shepherds.
  • Injuries from previous trauma or surgeries – Sometimes, joint problems can occur from an injury sustained during a car crash or surgery that causes damage to one of your dog’s bones and/or joints. This will have a huge impact on how well they can move around throughout the rest of their life.

Fortunately, you can always use available treatments for dogs suffering from arthritis symptoms like pain relief medications (like Rimadyl) and anti-inflammatory drugs (such as Prednisone). With your vet’s recommendations, you can help your dog perform physical therapy exercises at home.


Dogs are our beloved family members, and seeing them suffer from any pain or issues is something we all would like to avoid. I hope the above tips will help you manage the common diseases in your dog.

Being a dog parent, you should be aware of factors and tips that ensure well-being in your four-legged friend and make them live a disease-free and long life. These include a balanced diet, regular vet visits, and proper exercise, among others. 

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