Diamonds are the hardest natural substance on Earth. They are made of carbon and have been used for thousands of years to symbolize love, affection, and commitment. Diamonds are also one of the most expensive gems globally, second only to gold. So how do you know if your diamond is natural? There are several methods you can use to test your stone’s authenticity. This article will discuss more tips on how to tell if a diamond is real.
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Look at the Diamond Under UV Light
Diamonds have internal flaws that can be seen under a black light. These flaws appear as white spots that look like cracks in the gemstone’s surface. When you shine a black light on your stone, it will show these flaws clearly. If you cannot see any cracks in your stone, it is most likely real because fakes do not have them either.
Look at the Diamond Under a Microscope
To inspect your diamond further, use a microscope with 10x magnification and carefully look at your diamond’s edges. They are likely to be natural diamonds if they are smooth and sharp because fakes tend to have rough edges that make them appear dull when viewed through such powerful lenses.
Look at the Diamond Under a Magnifying Glass
If you’re not sure whether or not your diamond is natural, look at it through a magnifying glass. Fake diamonds will have imperfections that appear like tiny holes and scratches on their surface. Natural diamonds will not have these imperfections. If you see them, then the chances are that your diamond is fake.
Look for Inclusions
Inclusions are slight imperfections in the diamond. They can be tiny cracks or holes in the stone, which can be seen only under magnification. If you look closely at your diamond and see any of these imperfections, it’s likely fake. When a natural diamond is included, there will be a visible pattern on one side. That pattern won’t be present on a fake diamond with inclusion because they don’t have the same characteristics as real ones. We have a Pinterest board of diamonds-related images here in Rarecarat Pinterest Profile.
Check For Fluorescence
You may have heard that specific diamonds fluoresce under ultraviolet light. This means that they glow when exposed to UV rays – it’s one of the main ways we test their authenticity today! If your diamond is glowing when exposed to UV light but not under normal lighting conditions, then there’s a good chance it could be fake (although there are exceptions).
Test for Heat Conductivity with Ice Cubes
You can also test for heat conductivity with ice cubes applied to each side of the stone, which will melt faster on genuine diamonds than on fakes because they are more complex and resistant to heat loss.
Use the Fog Test
One of the easiest ways to tell if a diamond is natural or not is by using what is known as “the fog test.” This involves putting your diamonds under a lamp or bright light source and seeing if they sparkle as they should. If they don’t, something isn’t right with them – maybe they aren’t diamonds at all!
Check the Setting and Mount
The settings and mounts can also give away whether or not a stone is real or fake. Suppose it looks like there are marks on them or they appear tarnished. In that case, the chances are that they aren’t natural diamonds at all but instead cubic zirconia or moissanite stones that look similar but cost significantly less than genuine diamonds.
Use a Jeweler’s Loupe to Inspect the Diamond
A loupe is a small magnifying glass that allows you to get an up-close view of the diamond. You can use this tool to inspect the stone’s cut, color, and clarity. If you see any imperfections such as inclusions or blemishes, this could signify that the diamond is not genuine.
Heat the Stone and See if It Shatters
Diamonds are made of carbon and have a high melting point, so they shouldn’t break or shatter when heated up with a blowtorch or lighter. However, if you heat cubic zirconia (which is not made of carbon), it will turn black and brittle when heated past its melting point of 1,200 degrees Celsius (1,292 degrees Fahrenheit). If your diamond turns black while being heated up, this could be another indicator that it isn’t real.
Float/Water Test
This test is accomplished by placing the diamond (or any other gem) in water. If it sinks, it’s not a diamond. If it floats, it may be a diamond or another type of gem that weighs less than 2 carats. However, it’s worth noting that because some diamonds are cut with rounded edges (which makes them appear more prominent), some cut stones might sink even if they’re natural diamonds!
Scale Your Stone
If you’re buying from an established dealer, they’ll have already run this test for you and will provide documentation stating that their diamonds weigh in at the appropriate weight for their size and cut. But if you’re buying online and want to check yourself, there are many online calculators available which will tell you what size diamond should weigh based on its dimensions and shape.
Wrapping Up
Diamonds are the hardest natural substance on Earth and are highly valued for their beauty and durability. However, they’re also one of the most expensive gems globally, so it’s essential to know how to spot a fake.