12 Factors to Consider Before Getting Breast Implants

12 Factors to Consider Before Getting Breast Implants

Let’s get one thing straight; there is no ideal body type! Gone are the days when people termed hourglass figures as the best. Nowadays, the idea of loving your natural body is what fuels the body positivity movement. Despite encouraging the idea of loving your natural body, sometimes, it can be hard to build a positive body image. If you feel anxious when you look in the mirror, you won’t be able to face the world confidently. Here is where cosmetic surgery steps in!

Cosmetic surgery is an operation to enhance or reshape the body’s features to look aesthetically appealing. People opt for such surgeries when they don’t like something about their natural bodies. These surgeries commonly include Botox, nose jobs, liposuction, butt lift, and breast augmentation. 

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure where the breast sizes are increased or the shapes are changed by inserting implants. Breast implantation is becoming increasingly popular. According to the National Plastic Surgery Statistics, 287,085 patients have undergone breast augmentation. Choosing a breast implant surgery for your body is a personal choice, and for many women, it has increased self-confidence. 

If you’re planning to get breast implants, you must research the surgery, its prerequisites, and the post-op effects. If you’ve still not been able to make up your mind, here are eight things you should know before making an informed decision. 

  1. If you’ve previously had breast fillers that constitute injectable silicone or biopolymer injections, you must consult and have them removed from a credible surgeon before getting implants. If you’re living in Miami, you can consult Dr. Antun from HDESTHETIQUE for biopolymer injection removal. He also offers a range of cosmetic surgery options along with the best consultation services. 
  2. If you’re new to the cosmetic surgery idea and are planning to get implants for the first time, you need to know this might be your first surgery, but it won’t be your last. Implants are usually changed after ten years, so you’ll have to sit for another surgery. In some rare cases, the implants might not suit your body, and you might have to remove them or replace them with new ones through a similar operation. 
  3. There are no ideal breast sizes or shapes. Different implants can give your breasts different sizes, shapes, and textures. But what will look good on you? It’s important to discuss with your consultant what you have in mind about the result and which implants will best suit you.
  4. Your breasts might not feel natural with implants. Even if you have silicone implants, which feel natural, they aren’t real breasts. You should discuss breast augmentation outcomes with your partner if you feel it could affect your love life. 
  5. If your natural breasts are small and you wish to see a drastic change in your cup size, you’ll need more than one operation. You can’t expect to jump from a size A to double D or E and achieve a natural look. You’ll also not feel comfortable with the sudden added weight of your bust. The average implant sizes enlarge the breasts to a C or D cup. You’ll have to undergo more surgeries if you want an even bigger bust.
  6. Breast augmentation is a major surgery that can only be implemented on a healthy body. If you’re pregnant or have had cancer, you must consult your surgeon before the operation. If you are taking any drugs for a medical condition, it’s best to inform your consultant, who might ask you to stop taking some or all of the medications pre-op. Moreover, you should know if you’re obese or anorexic, there might be complications or a delay in the healing process after the implantation. 
  7. You’ll have to follow a lot of restrictions post-surgery. You might be restricted from some medications and sexual activity. For the first four weeks, you can’t lift anything heavy; this includes any pets or children you might have. You also can’t do cardio, workout at the gym, drive, or do strenuous activities during the first few weeks of your operation. 
  8. The healing process can be tough. You’ll experience weakness, swelling, and overall discomfort initially. You might even be dependent on someone to care for you. Although recovery lasts 4 to 6 weeks, your body might take longer to heal. During the process, you might feel overwhelmed or depressed because of the operation’s after-effects and the scars. It’s common for women to regret their decision but the feelings settle as they get better. 
  9. Breast augmentation comes with due risks. There might be unexpected changes in your breasts; for instance, you may lose sensation in your nipples. Generally, you’ll face common symptoms like muscle pain or fatigue. There is also a risk of growing breast implant-related cancer, known as BIA-ALCL. The cancer is curable and largely involves implant removal. You might have done your research, but it’s important to know not every risk or complication applies to all. 
  10. What you plan after your surgery matters! You’ll need to be mindful of what you were, where you go, and what you do post-op. When planning a beach vacation, you’ll have to be careful in the sunlight and avoid getting tanned. Direct sunlight can change the pigmentation on your surgical scars, which can be permanent. Also, you’ll need to wear a support bra initially, so if you’ve got a sexy bikini waiting to be worn, you’ll have to call off the plan. It’s also important to mention if you’re planning to get pregnant and breastfeed later, you’d need to consult your doctor to ensure your ducts aren’t blocked. 
  11. In the near future, if you plan to have your implants removed, you won’t be able to get the same natural look of your unaugmented breasts. You might probably experience wrinkling or puckering because of the loss of breast tissue. 
  12. Since breast implants are placed under the breast muscle and above the tissue, mammography becomes less effective since it cannot detect signs of cancer in the hidden tissue. Instead of a regular breast x-ray, you’ll need to inform the radiographer of your breast augmentation so that he can apply another effective technique to screen your breasts. 


If you’re not satisfied with the shape and size of your bust, you can always change that. Breast augmentation is a personal choice and can help boost your self-esteem and encourage a positive body image. However, being a major surgical procedure, breast augmentation needs to be an informed decision. There must be certain things that you have to know before signing up for the surgery. You can sit with your consultant and get an elaborative briefing on the surgery and the requirements before and after the operation.

Not only do you need to have a healthy body to be physically ready for the procedure, but you also need to be mentally prepared for the aftermath. You might feel overwhelmed with how you look immediately after the surgery. But it’s important to know that your body will take time to recover with the help of the prescribed medications and regular visits to your doctor. Soon, you will start loving the way your body looks and feels!