Work From Home Trends

Work From Home Trends in 2023

Working from home may have risen in popularity during the pandemic, but this modern working trend is far from over. 

Let’s take a look at some of the things experts are anticipating in the remote work space in 2023. 

In-Person Company Retreats

Many are expecting a rise in in-person company events and retreats this year, even if the company’s workforce is largely or entirely remote. 

As people are becoming more comfortable with being in large gatherings and traveling, in-person events and retreats will be used as a way to reconnect with colleagues who may not have seen each other for a few years, and meet new coworkers in person for the first time. 

More Hybrid Work

One emerging trend this year will keep workers from having to choose between working from home or working from the office. There is an in-between, which is referred to as a hybrid work model. This is where workers will work remotely on certain days out of the week or month, and from the office on the other days. 

Hybrid work can help bring balance for both workers and employers, and will likely become more popular in all industries this year and beyond. 

Working from Anywhere

Working from home has already grown in popularity in recent years, though as travel restrictions ease and the threats of the pandemic largely diminish, many are looking to take their home office on the road. 

This can include working abroad, from long-term hotel rentals, a friend’s guest house, or any other accommodation with a stable internet connection.

As Baby Boomers march into their retirement years, many workers from this generation are shifting into remote positions that lend themselves to flexibility, more lenient hours, as well as less physical strain. About 37% of Boomers reported that they’ve transitioned into work from opportunities in the past 5 years. There remains a practice of at home business chores like writing checks and paying bills that Boomers enjoy to do from home. Consolidating this with their actual work environment does appear to be a relatively seamless transition.

More Remote-Friendly Employers

Remote and flexible working have grown largely in recent years, with continued growth expected across most industries in the coming year. Many companies are even becoming not only remote-flexible, but remote-first employers. 

This is beneficial to both employers and talent, as companies can recruit from all around the country, and workers aren’t strictly limited to the employers based in their area. 

Fewer Meetings

As people transitioned from in-office work to remote work, many of the live meetings that were held in person seamlessly moved to Zoom or other similar platforms. 

Some workers even noted that they got on more calls and meetings during the earlier days of the pandemic since nearly everyone could be accessible at all times. This quickly led to a ‘Zoom Fatigue’, a tiredness that workers feel from overusing video conferencing apps. 

Now, many teams are finding asynchronous communication and work schedules much more conducive to productivity with less mid-day interruptions. Plus, many workers are blocking out certain days from meetings altogether as a way to curb burnout, which many expect to continue throughout 2023. 

Written by Bailey Schramm