Make Your Wedding the Perfect Memorable One

Make Your Wedding the Perfect Memorable One

The big day has finally come, it’s your wedding, yay! Time go down the aisle and make everyone go awe with your beautiful dress and pretty you. You are now bride to be and no one else can steal your thunder. Grand celebration is just waiting up to jingle up your new married life. You are about to take vows and spend your rest of life with your loved one. But is that all?

You may all be puzzled up how to make this special day of yours to be a memorable one for all and not just you. So perfect that everyone remembers it to ages. Let us just help you out with few tips to make this special day remembered by all.

Ideas to Make Your Wedding Day More Special

The most effective way to make sure your wedding is all that people talk about is to make it different, of course in a good way. Surely we are not talking to take on differently on rituals and traditions, but other little details that can help your wedding come out to be the special one. You will surely want to go ahead with one or more of the following ideas:

  • Personalizing Invitation: You are about to invite your close ones to the wedding, why not make them a feel a little special too? Adding on a personal touch with short messages or gifts is a good way to say that their presence is important for the wedding. This would be a good kick start to your celebration as all would throw themselves in more.
  • Unique Theme:Ambience of the wedding is what matters to most of your guests. The hard truth, but it is! A vow with the very first look make them engage more and as they say, first impressions workout just perfectly. Themes play a vital role, and one which engages the invitees will surely make your wedding day grander. Just for say, you & your partner seek out to poor people and help them out with something. That’s different plus a good deed, bonus!
  • Unique Escort Cards: Paper cards are surely getting old-fashioned, isn’t it? Opting something different like a glass of drink or cupcake with guest’s name on the card is surely going to help fit a different instance in their mind.
  • Child Care: Parents usually miss a lot when they go to a function but can’t just enjoy to the fullest with a kid to take care of. Having a different arrangement like attainder for children can help them engage themselves and enjoy the party much more. Surely, they are gonna remember you for this gesture as they had a great day!
  • Dance Performance: The eye-catching part of the wedding, second in line after the bride walking down the aisle would be the dancing part. It is a must have as this is where people enjoy the most or get a chance to make out the most. This gets even better when there is a surprise performance by the bride or the groom for the other and people get to enjoy it. Either one of you can plan such a thing and make sure you plan well with the managers to execute all perfectly.
  • Personalized Cake: Important of the wedding it is. Make sure it stands out unique and beautiful. And for that, discuss well with your bakery partners with much time in hand.


Making a stunning entry as the most beautiful bride and jamming everyone’s mind is still ought to be the best thing at the wedding. Surely there are many different details to take care about which helps your guests a lot and make them love your wedding celebration even more. These tips would help them go gaga over your wedding and spread good words about it.

                                You may not be attention-seeking at all, but what’s wrong with getting appreciated and complimented for probably the biggest day of life? Indeed making a good start with the happy audience will seek you more blessing and good wishes. So dance your worries away, choose a romantic song and just cling to your partner, with slow romantic movements, marking the beginning of a new life. Make your wedding day memorable for \you and all.