A wedding tree

A wedding tree, a symbol of life together

The custom of giving a tree as a wedding gift has a long tradition in Germany. In some regions, a wedding tree was even obligatory in the past.

A real wedding tree grows over time and becomes a part of the bride and groom’s life. Unlike many other wedding gifts, the couple will be able to enjoy the tree for many years.

In Bavaria, the tradition has changed somewhat over the years. Here, a wedding tree is a reminder of the spouses’ duty to provide for offspring. Often a spruce trunk is planted in front of the wedding couple’s house and decorated with baby things. The names of the bride and groom and the wedding date are then written on the tree. (xanax online from mexico) This old, not-so-sustainable tradition, however, is based on planting a tree that grows and flowers alive.

No gift, as a guest , has as much symbolic power as it.

If you want to give it as a gift, you should know the meaning of your chosen tree species. An apple tree is often chosen as a wedding gift. The apple tree is the symbol of love and marriage. Its white and pink blossoms stand for a blossoming future and the apple as a gift of love for a fruitful marriage.

When buying it, it is often possible to add a congratulatory text or poem. The text is printed and then hangs on the gift box or on one of the branches of the tree. Of course, you can also buy it yourself from a garden centre or nursery. Then package the tree for the bride and groom and send it? If you want to make it easy for yourself, in Germany you can order your wedding tree conveniently via the internet. Including a personalised congratulatory text to the bridal couple via: https://baumgeschenk.de/produkt/hochzeitsbaum/

Text examples for inspiration

Your marriage should be like this tree: unshakably anchored in love, flexible in the storm of life, a place of security, richly filled with moments of happiness and tenderness! Love consists not only in looking at each other, but in looking together in the same direction. We wish you all the best and many more great years together.

Unforgettable experience

In order to make the wedding an unforgettable experience, one or the other surprise for the bride and groom is of course also part of it. Beautiful wedding surprises are not only fun for the bride and groom, they also contribute to an unforgettable wedding celebration and set the mood. These surprises are usually organised by the groomsmen, they often give a wedding tree, but that doesn’t mean that the rest of the wedding guests can’t also give a tree as a wedding gift.


Tip 1: Tradition says that a man should build a house and raise a child. So maybe a tip for in a few years …… a birth tree 🙂

Tip 2: Not everyone has a garden, terrace or balcony. Inform yourself and find out which wedding tree has the best chances. Have fun planting it!