how to get rid of a hickey
Honeymoon, Make-Up, Marriage, Relationship, Skin Care, Tips

How To Get Rid Of A Hickey?

There are times once you come back home with a hickey, and you don’t know what to do about it. Being an indication  or a mark of ownership, sometimes it gets difficult to travel to work, college, or maybe school with a hickey. You got carried away in the heat of a moment, and now you want to get rid of this mark. Well, being said that, there are ways to get rid of a hickey. For now, just don’t panic and sit right down to read this article further.

So with no further delay, let’s just get straight into the topic.

How to Get Rid of Hickey Using Home Remedies?

There are many home remedies that you can try if you want to get rid of a hickey. These are natural home remedies that are the simplest way to try out. Most of the components are from your kitchen, and you’ll easily access these ingredients. That said, let’s check out the following remedies that might help you.

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is great for its calming and its healing properties. This plant is a natural ingredient, and either you can use it as it is if you have an aloe vera plant, or you can use it in the form of gel or cream that you get in the market.

You will need an aloe vera leaf.

  • Take the leaf and wash it properly. Get rid of the spikes that it comes with. Gently cut the edges and take the top part up. Scoop out the gel utilizing a spoon and mash the gel to make it like a paste.
  • Now apply the gel to your hickey and leave it on for around 10-15 minutes.
  • Repeat the method twice after 2 hours if the mark doesn’t fade.

2. Banana peel

Save that banana skin after your breakfast or after you eat a banana and put it to good use. Banana skin remedy is proven, and it fades your hickey immediately. Not completely, but to an extent. Since banana peels are loaded with skin soothing properties and different anti-oxidants, banana skin is great for fading love bites.

  • Take a banana skin and rub it on your hickey for about 5 minutes. Ensure you take the peel of a ripe banana.

Now, if you expect it to vanish like magic, then I’m sorry, but it won’t. It’ll lessen the effect and the bruise will heal quickly. Repeat this process twice.

3. Vitamin C cream

Vitamin C is rich in brightening and lightening properties. This cream can lighten the bruise and heal the area quickly. Vitamin C cream is a staple nowadays, and a lot of people use it regularly in their skincare regime.  you’ll use the same cream and apply it to the area and leave it overnight to work its magic.

4. Vitamin K cream

Approximately it’s believed that Vitamin K cream can heal Hickeys faster. The application of vitamin K can let the blood circulate, and this can heal the bruise faster. As hickey is nothing but a blood clot in a concentrated area, Vitamin K is known for its blood clotting process. Apply a thick layer of vitamin K cream on the spot and leave it overnight. Apply twice each day. You’ll also eat your greens as an extra supplement.

You can get vitamin K cream in any medical store or cosmetic store.  Because the hickey takes 3-4 days to fade, you’ll apply this for 2 days, and your hickey might go away.

5. Arnica cream

You can get Arnica-induced ointment in the form of over-the-counter, and you can apply the ointment on your spot. Arnica may be a natural ingredient that helps in healing. It can heal your hickey slowly.

  • You’ll apply the cream like usual.

6. Peppermint oil

Peppermint is an oil that’s good for blood circulation and blood flow. As I discussed hickey is formed when a particular area is sucked, and blood gets clotted in that area. Well,  which may sound dangerous, but it isn’t. Well, returning to the topic, peppermint oil  can reduce the depth of the bruise, and it can heal in less time.

  • Take peppermint oil (you can get it online or in any cosmetic store as well).
  • Take a carrier oil as you can’t use peppermint oil on its own. You would like to mix the essential oil with any other oil like coconut oil or olive oil.
  • Apply the oil mixture to your bruise and leave it like that for 15-20 minutes.
  • Use this method twice till the bruise fades away completely.

how to get rid of a hickey

How to Remove Hickey in Seconds?

You can also try this hack if you want to remove your hickey in seconds. Well, let’s just say hide your hickey in seconds cause technically, you cannot remove your hickey completely in seconds. So  do this hack if you are in a hurry, you are going somewhere, and you need a quick fix to this problem.

For the hack, you’ll need:-

  • Green corrector, purple corrector/eye shadow palette with these colors.
  • Concealer/foundation of your shade.
  • A brush or a sponge (optional)

How do continue the process?

Well, the hack is super easy. You would take a color corrector of green color or purple corrector. Now can get each one of these if you have a concealer pallet. Now, if you don’t have one, just don’t worry, as you can also try making your own corrector from your old or your eyeshadow palates.

If you’ve got a color corrector, then add a green color corrector and a little bit of purple corrector on top of your hickey. Next, you would like to blend out the product and apply a concealer one shade lighter than your skin tone. Blend out the concealer with a brush  otherwise you can use your fingers as well. Lock it up with a translucent powder or talcum powder.


How to make your corrector?

Scrape out green and purple pigment from the eyeshadow pallet. Mix it with a tad bit of concealer, and there you good to go; you’ve got your corrector.

How to get rid of a hickey with a coin?

This hack is sort of popular, and you try out this hack. Plenty of people said it worked for them, and a lot of people said the hack doesn’t work. But if you are doing it correctly, I’m sure it’d work for you. I will be sharing the trick in two process and follow the one which you like.

First process

  • Take a coin, and any coin will do.
  • Take any lotion or moisturizer and lubricate the place well so that you don’t cut yourself while doing this trick. You’ll also lubricate it with water, whether it’s warm water or cold water, and it works as well.

Now start the method . Apply lotion or water to the place and start rubbing the tip of your coin back and forth. This may ensure the blood flows and your love bite heals.

Second process

Take some ice cubes and hold the ice cubes within the area till your skin feels cold and numb. Next, take a coin and begin rubbing the tip back and forth and do this for at least 5 minutes patiently.

There you go; this is often the easiest hack where you don’t need a lot of kinds of stuff and is quite easy to perform as well.

How to get rid of a hickey in an hour?

Here I’ll be sharing very easy and effective process which will help you get rid of love bite. You’ll lessen the effect and the depth of the mark in an hour, but you cannot completely remove it though. Still, these are the foremost easiest method and are worth trying as they are very easy and works well.

1. Cold Compress

A cold compress helps slow down the blood slowed helps reduce the mark.  within the process, you’ll use an ice pack to cool down the area. You’ll keep a spoon in the freezer, and you can hold the chilled spoon on the area, and that helps a lot. This method is popular and effective also. Hold the spoon or ice pack there for about ten minutes and repeat the process twice.

2. Hot Compress

After a chilly compress, you ought to apply a hot compress. During this  process, the blood flow increases, and you’ll get rid of the hickey Sooner or later. Within the process, you ought to  apply a hot Compress after two days. This ensures the bruise can heal quickly.

3. Oil Massage or Massaging

Oil massage is great once you want to increase blood flow or you want to heal that area. Remember, you don’t want to form the situation worse, so don’t massage too much. Massage gently  thereon area for about 5 minutes and you are good to go.

4. Medications

You can get a few light medications in the form of over-the-counter. Here are some medicines listed below that you can try:-

  • Bromelain

You’ll get a cream that is induced with bromelain in any medical store. Bromelain is especially an enzyme found in pineapple plants that helps in treating certain bruises and marks. Use this orally only when a doctor suggests. Apply the cream onto the area.

  • Aspirin

Aspirin can endure pain and may also increase blood circulation, which certainly helps in the process of healing Hickeys. Get some Aspirin tablets from your nearest medical shop and have them. Though don’t take more than one tablet a day.

how to get rid of a hickey

How to remove a hickey in seconds with toothpaste?

This hack is widely used cause how easy and effective it is. To perform this hack, you’ll need peppermint-based toothpaste.

  • Take your toothpaste and apply a layer of your toothpaste on the spot. Keep the toothpaste there for 10 minutes.
  • Remove the toothpaste mask with a tissue.
  • Repeat this process after every 3-4 hours and you’ll notice the spot getting lighter gradually.

You can do this hack in a second way where you need to apply the layer of a paste and massage the area with your fingers. This ensures the area gets lighter, and massage also helps.

How to get rid of a hickey with a whisk?

Yes you’ll get rid of a hickey with a whisk, and therefore the process is quite easy to follow. This is often a Tiktok hack that blew up a few months ago, and people claim that it works.

All you would need is a whisk for this hack, and you need 5 minutes in your hand. All you’ve got to do is to swirl the whisk slowly on your hickey spot, and the hickey goes away magically. You’ll find plenty of videos on this hack where you can notice that the spots disappear magically.

These were a number of effective and great home remedies and hacks by which you can get rid of hickey marks or love bites, or you can also lessen the mark. Try these hacks. As we all know, it is a sign of love, but you can get embarrassed in public places and on family occasions.

how to get rid of a hickey

Final Thoughts

I hope you found this text helpful, relevant, and informative. Don’t forget to follow the following pointers while you are in trouble, and I’m sure you’ll get results. Don’t forget to comment down below if you’ve got any queries. Stay happy and stay safe.