hashtag trends

Hashtag Trends: Get Popular On Social Media With Your Bae

B-A-E: translates to Before Anything Else. If you want to get social media famous, you might as well check-up with the hashtag trends. Every year, or should we say that every month there’s a new hashtag trend popping up.

If you and your partner are on social media and active on Twitter, you should make the most of these live trending hashtags. Believe us when we say that many couples have become famous only because of these popular hashtags over the years.

This year is all about adapting to the new normal, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get a little extra with your partner. Well, if you’re still searching for what to do, let us tell you about some of the best hashtag trends.

Hastag Trends on TikTok 

If you and your partner love going the extra mile to flaunt your love, then you might want to choose the popular hashtags. While some of these hashtag trends are extremely easy, some of them are very hard. But hey, if you and your partner are dedicated to it, there’s nothing you can’t do.

So, here are some live trending hashtags that you should try with your partner today.  

FlipTheSwitch Challenge

If you’ve been active on TikTok, you probably know what this is about. This is one of the first TikTok trends to have changed the world. Couples from all over the world have been trying it. Honestly, it is awww-dorable as well as hilarious.  

In the #FlipTheSwitch challenge, you and your partner need to stand in front of a mirror and dance. But, hey, that’s not the trick. There comes a beat drop where you need to switch off the lights, and eventually, you and your partner switch outfits. While the talent does bring a lot about you and your partner, it does welcome the heartiest laugh. 

The Plank Hashtag trends

If you love working out with your partner, this is one of those challenges that you should try. Couples who love giving a hard time to those physically challenged should give The Plank Challenge a try.  

To do the plank challenge, you and your partner need to do a full plank routine in the given song’s time frame. But it’s not as easy as it sounds. While performing the routine, one of the partners needs to roll under the under and do one-handed high fives. Can you do it with your partner? Give this hashtag trend a try. 

The ParentTrapHandshake Challenge

Have you seen the Parent Trap movie? It’s a childhood classic. Honestly, this is one of the best aww-dorable challenges you can try with your partner. Let us tell you a couple of The Parent Trap does not inspire this challenge. Instead, it is the classic handshake Martin and Annie do when the former drops the latter at her summer camp. 

It’s pretty easy and cute. It would help if you learned how they shake hands and then film it and post it on your account. But, make sure that you use the hashtag. Following the hashtag trends and posting them on TikTok will eventually make your video visible. Well, the more people it reaches, the higher will be your chances of going viral.

And who doesn’t want to be viral with their partners, right? 

The Q&A Couples Challenge

Among you two, who do you think is the best? Or, let us paraphrase it this way, who do you think knows the other one better? (www.lasvegasoms.com) TikTok is filled with Q&A audio clips that you can surely try with your partner. Don’t you know how to do the challenge? Well, you can always take inspiration from other couples on TikTok.  

But since you’re reading this, let us guide you through. All you need to do is close your eyes and answer any questions asked in the clip. You don’t get to see what your partner answers and vice-versa. Some of the questions that you will be asked during the clip include, “Who is the messier one?”, “Who was the one to make the first move?” To answer these, all you need to do is point to the “who” did the particular thing. Make sure to record the entire thing on your mobile phones. Once you are done, you can save it and see the results. This hashtag trend was all over TikTok during the lockdown. 

The SmallGestures Challenge

It’s not what you show on the grand level but the small gestures that matter in a relationship. This is honestly one of the most popular and pure trends on TikTok. If you feel that you haven’t done anything lately for your bae and want to bring a smile to their face, do not shy away from trying this trend out. It is not out of trend and probably one thing that you should follow.  

You can easily find this hashtag on the For You page of TikTok. Once you start seeing the videos, there won’t be any going back. This hashtag trend has some of the most wholesome videos that will bring a smile to your face in no time. There are so many couples going out of their ways to do things for their loved ones. All you need to do is find or create something that your partner will love and record their expression while you give it to them. This is one of the champion challenges because there is no better prize at the end of the day than winning your lover’s heart. Isn’t it?

The You Can Really Dance

If you are one of those couples who prefer fun over PDA, then this is just the challenge for you. You can participate in the dance contest with your loved one. You have to make different dance moves, and it’s enjoyable. Make sure to challenge your loved one into this. There are many pros to this video challenge, so make sure to check them out.  

Hashtag trends Takeaway

If you’ve followed TikTok, you already know about these challenges. You might think that these are old, but there’s nothing late in loving and having fun with your partner. Go ahead and give these hashtag trends a try. Today!