Basement Wall Framing

D-I-Y Basement Wall Framing Ideas — Rebuild it like a Professional Carpenter

Well-constructed basement walls improve the resale value of the house. During home renovation projects, many people ignore reframing these interior walls. But, every homeowner should emphasise building the walls of the basement. Because, over time, due to extreme corrosion, the basement walls can get damaged. Excessive moisture can crack the basement walls or Basement Wall Framing . And, these soil and clay expansions of the basement wall can be life-threatening. 

Don’t contact a professional contractor to fix this structural problem beforehand for Basement Wall Framing . Because the cracked or unfinished basement walls can be framed with D-I-Y ideas. All you need to do is arrange the requisite things to do the basement framing jobs. But, before starting the framing works, certain factors need to be considered. Make sure the basement walls are dry and check where the wire connections are. Or else, it might cause hindrance while building the basement walls. Additionally, you need to choose a durable and waterproof material for the walls. 

Maintain at least a 16-inch gap between the two wall frames, and that’s essential. Are you thinking about how much time it will take to complete the basement wall framing? It might take at least 2-3 days. But, the time might exceed based on the number of walls in Basement Wall Framing that need to be rebuilt. 

Step-by-Step Guide to Construct the Basement Walls

If you are planning to build new walls in the basement, take permission from the tenant. Some homeowners don’t agree with the permit application. Even many landlords consider skipping this written agreement. And, it can cause a legal problem that might be difficult to overcome. 

Moreover, you might have to pay an extra amount of money for the fines. If the building authority finds out that the basement walls are getting reframed without any notice, they can remove the walls. Furthermore, the tenants have to sell the property for violating the agreement rules. So, get the permit to seal or refrain from the unfinished basement walls, and then go through these steps –

1. Start with Sealing the Basement Walls 

In the basement wall reconstruction project, wall sealing plays a pivotal role. It will help you to prevent further water damage to these interior walls. Moreover, many wall sealing materials can protect the walls from dust. Carpentry Dubai experts recommend applying two coats of waterproofing products on the wall. 

To get an extra layer of protection, everyone should use high-quality wall sealers. Take a brush and a roller to put this thick formula on the crevices of the basement wall. However, you should never apply these sorts of products on the damped wall. Use a humidifier before putting the first coat of the masonry waterproofing product. 

2. Get an XPS Foam Board

Don’t install the foam board instantly after drying out the basement walls. Wait for 20-30 minutes, and then place this board against the wall. But, make sure to measure the wall size beforehand. Based on that you have to cut out the foam board in the exact size as the basement walls. Moreover, you might find three types of foam insulation in the market. Consider using the polystyrene foam board to prevent mould and mildew growth.

Additionally, this sort of material can be effective in putting an end to wall damages. Even polystyrene boards don’t decay when the temperature is high. So, go to the nearby shop and bring this XPS foam board now. 

How to Install Polystyrene Foam Board in the Basement Walls?

Place a sheet of the XPS foam board across the basement wall. Right after that, use the adhesive to stick the board in the centre of the wall. However, if water gets into this liquid substance, the basement wall might take more time to dry up. Thus, it’s recommended to inspect the wall properly before proceeding to the next step. 

Apply the glue in the corner, top and bottom area of the walls. Now, slightly press the insulation board to the wall. It will help you to prevent unwanted air circulation and keep the walls cool. Consider applying caulk to ensure the XPS foam board has sealed the wall properly. 

3. Use Blocking to Connect the Joists

Let it be clear that blocking is not an essential part of the basement wall framing. But, if the floor joists are more than 12-inch, then you have to install blocking between the joists. Usually, blocking helps to minimise the chances of the destruction of joists. Over time, the floor joists can get bent or might move from where it was installed. Thus, it will ensure that the joists are in the right position by installing blocking. 

But, do you know the equipment you require to install the blocking? Take a flat-headed screwdriver and lots of screws first. Right after that, mount the screws on one side of the block between the joist. Attach the other end with the sill plate of the screwdriver. There should be at least a 2-ft gap between the two wooden blocks. So, measure that gap with the tape before starting the block installation process.

4. Make Lines for the Accurate Measurement

Take chalk, and then draw lines on the basement floor where the foam board is installed. There should be at least a 4-inch gap between the insulation board and the wall plate. You must be thinking, why do you need to measure that? Well, if you don’t do that, there won’t be any space between the wall and the insulation board. Moreover, it will even help you reinstall the concrete walls if they are not placed correctly.

5. Take the Wall Plate and Mark Its Different Sides

Now, it’s time to assemble the basement walls and make a “Z” mark on the studs. Additionally, you can make a “Y” sign on the narrow side of the stud board. Right after that, keep all the “Y’ marked pieces on one side. And, place the “Z” marked suds on the other side of the wall. If you don’t do so, it might extend the wall framing time even more. You have to then attach both the top and bottom of the wall plates. Make sure to attach the wall straight to optimise the basement space.

6. Connect the Ends of the Plate and the XPS Board

It isn’t that difficult to attach the wall plate with the bottom of the foam insulation board. But, sometimes, you might need a little help to lift the plate. And, in certain instances, call any of your family members to place the wall plate in the right direction. Alternatively, you might also try to push the top of the plate first. Then, slightly lift the bottom of the wall plate towards the board surface. Save the time of building the smaller sections of the plate by taking this subtle step.

7. Resize the Wall Plate

Use a sledgehammer to reshape the basement wall’s plate. You might have kept the top plate long so that it could touch the wall joists. But, that’s not necessary! Because you can bridge the gap between the wall and the joists with shim plates. ( Right after that, measure the distance between the floor and the joists correctly. Make sure to keep the wall plate ¼-inch. The professional carpenters recommended not to make the walls shorter than this. And, that might destroy the floor joists of the basement. So, take proper measurements to avoid further inconveniences.

8. Adjoin the Bottom of the Wall with the Floor

Do you have any powder actuated tools? Use that and Tapcon screws to join the lower end of the walls with the basement ground. Make sure there is at least a 6-inch gap between the two screws. Additionally, you also need to get high-quality glue while connecting these two things. Consider taking preventive measures while performing this job. 

9. Go for Connecting the Top of the Wall Next

Once you connect the bottom of the wall plate, move ahead towards mounting its upper portion. Right after, take an easy-to-handle level to take a proper measurement. Count the number of joists there is; it will be required while installing shims. And, you have to place shims between the gaps of the floor joists. For instance, if there are six joists, install the shims after every two joists. Make sure to use screws to two add the shims with the joists.

When Should You Consider Adding a Frame? 

Are you building the wall near a window? Or, have a slope on the basement floor? Then, consider installing a frame to level the wall properly. Use studs while placing the frame on the floor. Consider making holes in the lower end of the wall first. Then, use a level to join the studs in the upper part of the wall surface. 

Right after that, make a mark where both these studs are installed. Additionally, the homeowners need to tighten up the nails in the marked stud location. Don’t use any nail adhesive; take a nail gun to do this installation job. 

What Else Should You Do to Rebuild the Basement Wall?

If you have successfully come up here, there are a few more steps that you need to follow. Consider attaching the corners of the basement wall with the surface. Do you want to install drywall behind the wall plate? Make sure there is enough space to place that. Drywall will help to control the heat and is flame-resistant. So, it will be a good decision to add this panel behind the interior walls. You will need a wooden panel while installing the drywall to the basement wall. 

Make sure to attach this wooden piece to the window panel while constructing the wall. It will help you to determine if the wall framings are installed properly. Lastly, attach a backer board with the drywall. It will help you get prevention against the damage that can be caused by excessive moisture. Check whether all the screws and nails are installed correctly on the wall surface. And, if you face difficulty carrying out the wall framing jobs, take professional help immediately.