the bachelor party

Bar hopping for the bachelor party

Before most weddings, the ever-popular the bachelor party, JGA for short, take place. Mostly the planning for these events is done by the groomsmen and groomswomen. In the circle of their respective friends, the brides and grooms celebrate their last day in “freedom” at their JGAs. Most of the time, the lovers themselves do not know what to expect on this day, as the planning is done by the guests. But what can you give the lucky ones for their day of honor and what makes a perfect JGA? Among other things, the so-called bar hopping has always enjoyed great popularity. The tours stretch across all German cities and remain mostly in the best memory of the participants. 

Bar Hopping after English model- the bachelor party

In English, people like to refer to this as “pub crawling,” which means wandering from bar to bar. This works best in big cities with a local tour guide who shows you the best bars. For example, if you are looking for High Class Escorts Düsseldorf, the appropriate guides will take you to the hotspots of the city. Düsseldorf is anyway one of the most popular destinations for JGAs in Germany. The origin of bar hopping lies in the early 20th century in England, when workers met for a beer after a hard day’s work and then spent the rest of the evening wandering from pub to pub. To this day, this theme has also caught on in Germany and is equally popular with students and those getting married. 

Bar hopping as a JGA gift

Bachelor parties are perfect for bar hopping. There are entire companies that specialize only in hosting these events. For the group, the biggest advantage is that you can leave the planning almost entirely to the staff and guides who know the area. A private guide has its price, of course, but also offers undeniable advantages, because he takes care of the entire tour and opens some doors that you probably would not have known or passed through as a stranger in the big city. Due to the constant change of location, the group never gets bored and everyone gets their money’s worth. ( You get to know cities like Düsseldorf from a completely new side. Through the guides you get free admission in many locations and can also enjoy one or the other free drink. 

Further activities in the bachelor party

The JGA with a guide does not have to be limited to bar hopping, because this can be easily combined with other activities. For example, you can bridge the distances between the stations with a party bus, which is an event in itself. Party games and embarrassing tasks for the groom or the bride are part of the good tone of every JGA anyway. It does not matter whether it is a men’s or a women’s group, because the guide knows the best locations for each type of group. In a preliminary talk you can clarify certain marginal facts, so that you don’t experience any nasty surprises at the end. Each group has its own ideas of a successful JGA and the flexibility of the guides ensures that in the end really everyone is satisfied and the bar hopping will be an experience that no participant will forget so quickly.